Hedgehogs are cute little critters that look like they belong in a fairy tale. They’re also known for being very good at sniffing out food.
The hedgehog is native to Europe and Asia, where it was originally domesticated. Today, though, these adorable creatures are found throughout the world.
Hedgehogs are omnivores, meaning they eat both plant and animal matter. Their diet consists primarily of insects, fruits, seeds, nuts, and leaves.
And since they spend their days snoozing or sleeping, they don’t require much exercise.
This means that ensuring that their diet is well-balanced and nutritious is important to help prevent illness and weight gain – but can hedgehogs really enjoy hay? We took a closer look.
What Do Hedgehogs Eat?
Hedgehogs are omnivorous animals, which means they eat both plant and meat-based foods.
They have been known to eat things like berries, bugs, worms, grasshoppers, crickets, grubs, beetles, moths, caterpillars, ants, spiders, and even small rodents.
They are mostly active during the day, so they need to be fed around this time. If you feed them before bedtime, they may not wake up until morning.
How Much Does A Hedgehog Eat?
A healthy adult hedgehog eats about 1/3 cup of food each day. That’s roughly equivalent to two slices of bread.
If your hedgehog has been eating a lot more than this amount, he may be overweight. He should only consume 1/4 cup of food per day if he weighs less than 2 pounds (1 kg). For larger hedgehogs, you’ll want to increase their daily intake by half again.
If you keep him on an organic diet, you won’t need to worry about feeding too many vegetables because they’re naturally low in calories.
However, if you feed him table scraps from your kitchen, you will need to make sure that they contain enough protein and fat to provide all the nutrients needed for proper growth and development.
How Often Should I Feed My Hedgehog?
You should feed your hedgehog once every three hours during the day. But if you do decide to give him hay, you should limit how often he gets it.
You should never give him hay more frequently than twice a day. This is because he needs to rest between meals.
He shouldn’t get any hay more than four times a week. The reason for this is that he should be getting most of his nutrition from his regular diet.
What Is The Best Type Of Food For A Hedgehog?
When choosing what type of food to feed your hedgehog, you should always choose something with high nutritional value.
This includes fresh fruit and veggies, as well as whole grains and meats. These types of foods are full of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other essential nutrients.
Can My Hedgehog Eat Hay?
Hay is safe for hedgehogs to eat, and there are several different types of hay available for hedgehogs, including hay cubes, pellets, and pelleted hay.
Hay cubes are made from chopped hay, and these are best for young hedgehogs who haven’t yet developed teeth. They are easy to digest, and they don’t cause digestive problems.
Pelleted hay comes in various sizes, depending on its size. It also comes in different flavors and textures and is usually made from alfalfa, timothy, clover, or wheat straw. It comes in either large bags or smaller boxes.
Pelleted and pelleted hay are better suited for older hedgehogs who have grown used to chewing their food. They can chew through these types of hay and swallow them easily.
The texture of pelletized hay is similar to that of kibble, but it’s much easier to digest.
Which Type Of Food Is Better For A Hedgehog?
Hedgehogs love apples, carrots, cucumbers, lettuce, melons, peas, spinach, tomatoes, and watermelon.
These fruits and veggies are packed with vitamin C, antioxidants, potassium, and fiber, and also help hedgehogs maintain strong immune systems and fight off infections.
However, some people believe that giving your hedgehog raw fruits and veggies could lead to health issues down the road.
That’s why we recommend that you feed your hedgehog cooked fruits and veggies instead.
Cooking makes these foods safer for your pet. Plus, it helps preserve their nutrients and flavor.
How Can I Keep My Hedgehog Healthy?
There are a number of steps you can take to keep your hedgehog healthy and happy, and these include:
Feeding A Balanced Diet
Your hedgehog needs a balanced diet to stay healthy. That means providing him with both carbohydrates and proteins, which are used by wild hedgehogs to stay in top physical health.
Carbohydrates are found in fruits, vegetables, breads, cereals, rice, pasta, potatoes, and starchy vegetables, and help to provide energy for your hedgehog’s body.
Proteins are found in meat, eggs, dairy products, fish, poultry, beans, nuts, and soybeans, and protein is important in building muscle mass and repairing damaged tissue.
Providing Your Hedgehog With Enough Water
Water is an important part of your hedgehog’s daily routine – it keeps your pet hydrated, and it helps regulate his internal temperature. It also helps flush out toxins from his system.
Hedgehog owners must ensure that their hedgehog has enough access to clean drinking water. This will ensure he stays hydrated throughout the day.
Keep An Eye Out For Diseases And Parasites
If you notice any signs of illness in your hedgehog, such as diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy, or loss of appetite, contact your veterinarian immediately.
It may be necessary to treat your pet with antibiotics if he suffers from bacterial infections.
It’s also possible that your hedgehog might suffer from parasitic infestations, so make sure to check his fur regularly for fleas, ticks, mites, lice, and other parasites.
Regularly Check The Environment
Ensure that your hedgehog has plenty of space to roam around in. This includes having a sturdy cage with lots of room to move around in, along with a well-ventilated area to live in.
He should have access to a comfortable place to sleep, using a suitable material such as paper bedding or wood shavings to stay warm and comfortable.
Make sure that there aren’t any chemicals or pesticides near where your hedgehog lives. These substances can harm your pet’s health.
Give Your Hedgehog Some Exercise
Exercise is good for your pet’s mental and physical health. Regular exercise prevents obesity and improves overall fitness, while also stimulating your hedgehog’s mind and body, helping to improve their mood and behavior.
Make sure your pet has plenty of access to toys and stimulation, and that he has plenty of space to move freely in his cage.
Final Thoughts
Hedgehogs make great pets, but there is a lot of care and attention that is needed to keep them happy, safe, and secure.
By following these tips, you can ensure that your hedgehog remains healthy and happy, with a balanced, nutritious diet offering everything that they need.