At What Age Are Hedgehogs Considered To Be Fully Grown? (Full Guide)

Hedgehogs are mammals native to Europe and Asia. They look similar to porcupines, but are much smaller. Their spiky quills are covered in hair, giving them a unique appearance.

At What Age Are Hedgehogs Considered To Be Fully Grown

When you see a baby hedgehog, you might wonder what its final size will be. This question has been asked before, and you may be wondering what the answer is.

Well, in this article, we’ll give you an idea of when your hedgehog should be fully grown. We’ll also tell you about some of their habits and how they interact with other animals.

So, let’s get into it!

At What Age Is A Hedgehog Considered To Be Fully Grown?

A hedgehog is considered to be an adult when it reaches its full growth.

Hedgehogs grow at different rates depending on the species. Some reach maturity after only two years, while others can take up to four years or more.

What Length Are Hedgehogs When Fully Grown?

Hedgehogs grow at different rates depending on their age.

The average length for a fully-grown hedgehog is around 10 inches long. However, there can be variations between individuals.

The following table shows the approximate lengths that hedgehogs reach based on their ages:

AgeApproximate Size
0-3 months2”
4-6 months4”
7-9 months5”
10-12 months7”
13-15 months8”
16-18 months9”
19-21 months10”

What Is The Lifespan Of A Hedgehog?

What Is The Lifespan Of A Hedgehog?

Hedgehog lifespan varies from individual to individual. A good rule of thumb is that they live anywhere from 1 to 3 years. Some people have reported hedgehogs living as long as five years.

A hedgehog that lives in the wild typically lives longer than one kept in captivity. In the wild, a hedgehog can live up to three years. In captivity, however, they tend to live shorter lives.

If you want to know how long a hedgehog will live, here are some factors to consider:

Your Environment

If you keep your hedgehog inside, then it will likely live less than if you keep it outside.


Some hedgehogs need more food than others. If you feed your hedgehog too little, then it won’t live as long as those who eat well.


Your hedgehog’s health will affect its longevity. If your hedgehog suffers from any illness or injury, then it could die sooner than expected.

What Weight Are Hedgehogs When Fully Grown?

Weight is another factor that affects a hedgehog’s life expectancy. The heavier a hedgehog gets, the harder it is to move.

This means that larger hedgehogs are often slower than smaller ones. As a result, they tend to live slightly shorter lives.

However, this doesn’t mean that bigger hedgehogs don’t live as long as small ones. There are many examples where large hedgehogs outlive small ones.

The average adult hedgehog weighs around 2 pounds. But, again, there can be variations within this range.

The breed of hedgehog can also affect its weight. For example, dwarf hedgehogs weigh only half as much as full-sized ones.

The Largest Breed Of Hedgehog

There are several breeds of hedgehog, including the African pygmy hedgehog, the European hedgehog, and the American pygmy hedgehog.

These breeds vary in size. The smallest of these breeds is the African pygmy. It usually weighs around 0.5 pounds.

On the other hand, the largest of these breeds is the American pygmy. It normally weighs around 3 pounds.

When most people think about hedgehogs, they will think of the common European hedgehog.

This breed has become very popular over the past few decades because of its cute appearance and friendly nature.

It is estimated that there are currently around 20 million common European hedgehogs in the world today.

They make great pets because they are easy to care for and are relatively inexpensive.

The European hedgehog is considered to be the second-largest breed of hedgehog. However, it still falls short of the American pygmy, which is the biggest breed of hedgehog.

The American pygmy is also known as the “hedgehog” because of its resemblance to the common European hedgehog, but it is actually a different species.

Its body length is approximately 10 inches while its tail length is 12 inches. Its weight ranges between 2 and 4 pounds.

What Can Cause A Hedgehog To Not Grow To It’s Expected Length?

What Can Cause A Hedgehog To Not Grow To It’s Expected Length?

Hedgehogs grow at their own pace. Some individuals may reach their full growth faster than others.

But what causes them not to grow to their full potential? Here are some reasons why a hedgehog might not grow to his/her full size:


If a hedgehog does not have enough genetic material, then it cannot produce all the necessary proteins needed to grow properly. In such cases, the animal will stop growing before reaching maturity.


If a hedgehog eats too little food, then he/she won’t get enough nutrients to grow properly. This could cause the animal to stop growing prematurely.


An illness can prevent an animal from growing to its expected size. If a hedgehog is sick or injured, it may not be able to eat properly.

In such situations, the animal may not receive enough nutrition to grow properly.

Birth Defects

A birth defect occurs when a baby is born with a physical problem. A birth defect can also occur if a mother is exposed to certain chemicals during pregnancy.

Sometimes, a baby hedgehog with health defects will not be able to fully develop into adulthood.

What Can Make A Fully Grown Hedgehog Overweight?

Some animals tend to gain more weight than others. This can happen for many different reasons.

One reason is that some animals do not exercise regularly. Hedgehogs in the wild run long distances every day, burning calories and building muscle mass.

Another reason is that they eat too much food. In captivity, hedgehogs may overeat due to boredom. When they don’t have anything else to do, they may spend time eating instead of playing.

If your hedgehog becomes overweight, you should try to reduce the amount of food he/she consumes. You can use a feeding chart to help determine how much food your pet needs each week.

Final Thoughts

It’s important to keep in mind that hedgehogs are herbivores. Their diet consists mostly of vegetables, fruits, seeds, and grasses.

They need to consume these foods on a regular basis to stay healthy and maintain proper weight.

They can live up to 15 years in captivity. But keep in mind that this lifespan depends on several factors including genetics, environment, and care.

You should always check with your veterinarian first before giving your pet any new supplements or medications.

You should also make sure that your hedgehog has access to plenty of fresh water.

The best way to ensure that your pet stays happy and healthy is by providing him/her with good quality food, clean living conditions, and lots of love!

By doing this, you can almost guarantee that your hedgehog will grow healthily and happily.

We hope that this article was helpful to you.