Can Hedgehogs Eat Wax Worms: What You Need To Know

Hedgehogs: small, spiky, and incredibly cute. Although these well-loved creatures can be found in the wild in many parts of the world, they can also be kept as pets!.

Can Hedgehogs Eat Wax Worms: What You Need To Know

They have a natural curiosity that makes them easy to train and an inquisitive nature that makes them fun companions for children.

Are you wondering whether wax worms are a good choice for your hedgehog’s diet? In this article, we’re going to discuss more about the hedgehog’s palette and whether or not wax worms are a worthwhile addition. 

What Are Wax Worms?

Wax worms are actually a type of moth larvae, which is one of the most common types of insect eaten by hedgehogs. The larvae feed on plant matter, such as leaves, twigs, bark, flowers, etc., so they are very nutritious.

Their soft bodies make them ideal for consumption by hedgehogs because their bones are easily broken down.

Although humans CAN consume wax worms, as you can probably imagine, they’re not the most popular choice. Wax Worms are usually fed to animals such as rabbits, guinea pigs, chickens, and ducks. 

Can Hedgehogs Eat Wax Worms?

The short answer is yes. However, there are some things you need to know before you decide to feed your hedgehog wax worms.

Although they are considered quite a healthy delicacy for your hedgehog, wax worms should be treated as something of a treat rather than a core dietary staple.

It’s suggested that you only feed your hedgehog three times per week, alongside their more reliable and nutritionally neutral foods. You can stretch that to once a day if your hedgehog is particularly malnourished, but no more.

This is because wax worms are, surprisingly, quite fatty foodstuffs, so incorporating them too heavily into your spiky friend’s diet could potentially cause some pretty severe weight gain.

Keeping in them as a once-a-day treat gives them all the benefits of the wax worm’s unique nutritional profile, without burdening them with the possible downsides of eating such a snack.

So, if your hedgehog is eating wax worms, he’ll be fine. In fact, he’ll be more than fine! Let’s discuss the benefits of feeding your hedgehog wax worms, next.

The Benefits Of Feeding Your Hedgehog With Wax Worms

Can Hedgehogs Eat Wax Worms: What You Need To Know

If you want to give your hedgehog wax worms as a treat, here are some advantages.

1) Wax worms are high in protein. Protein is important for healthy skin and fur, and it helps build strong muscles.

2) Wax worms contain vitamins A, B6, C, D, E, K, and calcium. These vitamins help keep your hedgehog’s immune system strong.

3) Wax worms are high in fat but relatively low in carbohydrates, and cholesterol. This means that as long as they’re fed to your hedgehog in moderation, weight gain shouldn’t be an issue.

4) Wax worms are full of fiber, which keeps your hedgehog’s digestion working properly. Fiber also promotes regular bowel movements.

5) Wax worms are very nutritious, and they provide your hedgehog with lots of energy. They’re also easy to digest, which makes them ideal for small pets.

6) Wax worms are relatively inexpensive compared to other types of pet food.

7) Wax worms are safe for all ages of hedgehogs. Although they may seem a bit creepy-looking, they pose no danger to your pet.

8) Wax worms are available year-round, even though they’re best eaten during the spring and summer months.

What Nutrients Do Wax Worms Contain? 

Here are some of the nutrients found in wax worms.

  • Protein – 27%
  • Fat – 2%
  • Carbohydrates – 3%
  • Calcium – 25 mg/100g
  • Vitamin A – 0.05 IU/100
  • Vitamin C – 0.03 mg/100
  • Vitamin D – 0.01 mcg/100
  • Vitamin E – 0.02 mg/100
  • Vitamins K – 0.11 mcg/100
  • Fiber – 1.9 g/100
  • Cholesterol – 0.04 mg/100

Where Can You Get Wax Worms For Your Hedgehog? 

You can get wax worms from several different sources. Here are some options:

  • Pet stores sell wax worms as an enticement for customers who purchase live baitfish.
  • Online retailers sell wax worms as part of their “live” products.
  • Some breeders offer wax worms as an option for breeding stock.
  • Hobbyists raise their own wax worms.

How Often Should You Feed A Hedgehog Wax Worms? 

It depends on how often you feed your hedgehog wax worms. The frequency of feeding will depend on your hedgehog’s age, health, activity level, and diet.

Generally speaking, though, it’s recommended that you feed your hedgehog wax worms no more than three times a week. Some owners recommend feeding wax worms alongside a calcium supplement. 

Final Thoughts 

Wax worms may not be the most popular choice of food for your hedgehogs, but they can be a nutritious and tasty addition to their diet, whatever their age.

Wax worms aren’t hard to come by either, and you can find them in most reputable pet shops or online stores. So, if you’re looking for a new way to incorporate more insects into your hedgehog’s diet, why not give wax worms a go?